Sunday, January 24, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

Unit 6 Reflection
In unit 6 I learned about genetic engineering. This unit was about genetic engineering and biotechnology applications. It was a fairly shorter unit and we looked more at the bigger picture of things instead of going into small details. We also looked at how society and science interact. In class we watched the movie Gattaca and it really helped me understand altering genes and it was extremely entertaining too.
My first new years goal was to do better on my biology tests and I said I would accomplish that by studying throughout the unit instead of just the night before. This unit I finished my chapter notes in the beginning of the unit so I could understand the concepts better and I have been focusing on really understanding our labs.
 One of my setbacks in this unit was understanding the pGLO pre-lab vodcast and the pGLO lab was the most challenging lab for me to understand. To understand this concept I will re watch the vodcast and look out other people's conclusions to see what they understood. One of my successes was the Electrophoresis virtual lab because the lab online went through step by step and after preforming the lab in class I had a full understanding of the process. 

I have linked my blog posts from this unit down below:

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