Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recombinant DNA Lab Conclusion

Recombinant DNA Lab Conclusion 

The process of producing recombinant DNA is basically putting a foreign DNA into a host DNA. For example a piece of human gene, insulin gene, can be put into a plasmid using restriction enzymes, such as EcoR I. This becomes a recombinant DNA. Then insert the plasmid into the bacteria

1.) You can use ampicillin resistant plasmid if the bacteria intakes that plasmid then the bacteria can grow on the petri dish containing ampicillin to stay alive and reproduce more bacteria. You would not use tetracycline and kanamycin because if the plasmid is not resistant to that bacteria the bacteria would not survive. 
2.) Restriction enzymes cut DNA on a specific sequence. They are cutting DNA into smaller pieces. We used Xma 1 and Ligase because they cut the the plasmid and cell DNA. 
3.) There would be a gap in the middle and the plasmid wouldn't be a complete circle. 
4.) This process is important to our everyday life because it produces better breeding plants and animals, useful for making drugs for human diseases, and cloning. 
5.) Some other applications for genetic engineering are in agriculture with genetically modified crops and genetically modified organisms. Another application is with BioArt which is created with bacteria to create black and white photographs. And lastly some other examples are blue roses and glowing fish. 

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