Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

Unit 5 Reflection 
This unit was mostly about DNA and RNA. Information flows from DNA to RNA to proteins. Some of the themes of this unit were the structure of DNA, how the body makes proteins, and translating DNA into RNA. Ex: TAGC to AUCG. 
Some of my successes in this unit was understanding Mutations and the different types of mutations. I think that the protein synthesis lab helped me understand better and also the codon bingo. Another success was understanding the differences between DNA and RNA, both structural and functions. RNA is single-stranded and contains U instead of T. RNA also serves as a temporary copy of the gene. It also delivers the copy to the ribosome which they call mRNA.
Some of my setbacks in this unit were understanding gene expression and regulation. I understand the different between exons and introns but I don't understand gene regulation. Introns are not being expressed and exons are being expressed. 
After looking back at my notes and thinking about what I know and what I don't I realized that I need to focus much of my studying on the last vodcast we had which was gene regulation and gene expression. I only understand a small part of the vodcast I think that I understand everything else in the unit from the labs we did in class. 
From the results from Vark I think that I should thoroughly review my labs and diagrams when studying. 


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