Friday, November 20, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

Unit 4 Reflection

This unit was focused on sex and reproduction. Some of my strengths in this unit were understanding the punnett square. At first I didn't completely understand it but after I reviewed my vodcasts and practiced them online they made a lot of sense. Another thing that I was good at was memorizing the benefits and costs of both asexual and sexual reproduction. My setback in this unit would definitely be the mitosis vs meiosis and their processes like interphase, prophase, etc. While doing my infographic I learned more about this unit and it was definitely a fun project because it was a way to learn from colorful pictures and fonts that really draws your attention. Some of my successes during studying would be that I used real life examples that helped me understand better. For the codominance and incomplete dominance I tried thinking of real life situations that have happened to be or my family that helped me remember which on is which. 
My scores were:
  • Visual 12
  • Aural 13
  • Read/Write 8
  • Kinesthetic 8
My scores surprised me a little because I thought I would have scored higher on the kinesthetic and much lower on aural. 

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