Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 Time Individual Reflection

20 Time Individual Reflection 

My 20 time project was a great experience for me. It went a different direction than what I had originally thought I was going to do but I personally like the new way much better. Originally I wanted to find a environment for honey bees to live in so they could stay safe but now I am finding ways to save honey bees and spread the message and ways to save them with people I know. I challenged myself in this 20 time project because I had a problem throughout a large majority of this semester trying to figure out what to do with the information I learned. I needed to figure out how I was going to share the knowledge I gained but still have put something together that could help the bee species for people who don't hear my TED Talk. My goal for this project that hasn't changed is to have people understand how important honey bees are and how effected the economy, world, and nature would be without this big species. I knew from the beginning that a lot of people wouldn't care much about my topic even after they heard my TED Talk so I wanted to create easy ways that people could save honey bees without them having to do too much. If I were to do another 20 time project regardless of the topic I think I would focus more on developing a new originally idea or product rather than finding more and more information. I thought I spent too much time finding out why honey bees have become endangered rather than developing a way too save them. Overall I think that 20 time definitely was a great experience for me and I hope to try it again. In the what on Earth evolved presentations and In 20 time I really understood more that there is so much information in the world to be learned and doing a project like 20 time really lets you research deep into a topic that interests you. 

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