Monday, February 29, 2016

1st Blog Post

Helping Save Endangered Honeybees

20 time is the activity where we spend 20% of our class time weekly working individual/or in pairs on the project of our choice. We had a large range of topics we could pick but it had to be biology related. My essential question for my project is what can we do to help save endangered Honeybees? I chose to do this as my project because Honeybees are so essential to life and food. If there were no more Honeybees then the food chain would fall and it would effect a lot of species. My goals for this project is to find the best environment for these bees to live in so they are safe while producing honey. In areas where there were many Honeybees a few decades ago there aren't any more in those areas. Another goal I have is to spread awareness so people understand how important this species is to our world and how they need to learn to respect this species more. To measure my progress I will use a google drive and fill in what I did every week and what I will do the next week. Moving forward I will research where Honeybees have lived the best and safest from data and try to visit some people who have their own Honeybees. My voice for this project is to spread awareness and I hope people that have Honeybees can learn from my research so they can take care of them better and they can be more protected. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

Unit 7 Reflection

In Unit 7 during the Conservation biologist project I think I was assertive because in the beginning when we were figuring out what to do as a topic some of us were headstrong so it was a little difficult to agree on a topic. We first went with my idea which was the Empty Quarter desert. When I went to the bathroom they changed it and decided to make it the Pacific Ocean. When I find out about that I was calm and I didn't argue because I knew I needed to compromise and at the end it works great for all of us. The collaboration overall I thought was a good partnering because my partners and I worked hard in class so we wouldn't have to do any at home so that was motivation for us to work harder. 

This unit unlike last semesters units focused on the bigger picture. We learned about ecology and the study of species. We also looked at factors that affect population like immigration and emigration, births, deaths, and disease. Population is the average year by year number of people living in a area. Physical changes to the environment can also change population. For example volcanoes in Hawaii can change how many people leave and the area change that can affect land people live on.
In food chains there are trophic levels and only 10% of the energy of a trophic level gets transferred to the next level. The levels of organization are first individual/organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and lastly biosphere which is the highest level.
This is my blog post for my New Year goals and my first goal was to do better on my biology tests. I was going to accomplish this by studying ahead of time instead of the night before, and really understanding the concepts from the vodcasts when I watch them.