Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sweetness lab

1.) In the sweetness lab my partner and I learned that based on our data monosaccharaides are the sweetest and polysaccharides are the most plain tasting. Monosaccharaides include glucose and fructose. I rated glucose a 150 and fructose a 200. I rated disaccharides all over the place. The first example was sucrose which is a disaccharide and they gave that a rating of 100. The other disaccharides were galactose, maltose, and lactose. I gave them a rating of 100, 0, and 50. Based on step 2 from our lab I can conclude that the sugars that are found in trees and plants are sweeter than the ones that aren't and also the ones that only have one O in their structure .

2.) The structure of carbohydrates affects the way they are used by cells/organisms because the different types of carbohydrates are used for different things. Disaccharides are used for transforming the suns energy into food. Monosaccharides are used during photosynthesis and polysaccharides are found in algae and are hard to digest.

3.) My partner and I mostly agreed on the ratings but the other partners in our group had a different opinion on some of the sugars. The first reason why people might not agree on the level of sweetness because people might have a different opinion on how sweet a sugar is. People might disagree that glucose is 200 instead of 150 but that is just based on someones opinion on how sweet at rating of 200 is. The second reason is that a person might have more or less taste buds that detect sweetness of the sugars. The final reason is that tasters might believe that 0 is bitter instead of tasting plain.

4.) Humans taste sweetness with taste receptor cells. The taste buds are scattered in all different places of our bodies. Taste buds have pores that they open out on the tongue. Sweet substances like sucrose bind together to form G-protein-coupled receptors (GPRCs) at the cell surface. Based on this information I conclude that humans can all rank the sweetness samples differently because they might have a different amount of taste bods on their tongue. More taste buds may taste sweeter for the taster and less taste buds may have a weaker taste of sweetness. 


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